Dangerous Doug Harper lives in Nevada, Missouri, where he works most of his solo gigs, as a musician/songwriter/promoter.

He wears a lot of hats for the music biz, and if it has to do with music he has probably done it. He also does a lot of work around his hometown, Nevada Missouri, as a fill in musician for many area bands playing drums, or bass, and of course sometimes guitar. When he tours it is most offten as the bass player for Marci Mitchell and he travels a lot with her. He also has been known to do random part time jobs around town including hosting a Weekly Jam at Shooters Bar and grille, and has even have been know to do some DJ work. Doug is a hardcore promter, and has lots of dollars and hours invested in an internet indie-label called Purple Shed Records, this website www.localear.info, and other Local Ear social network sites such as on on myspace, and one at wetpaint. Most currently Doug hosts a weekly radio show called Local Ear On-Air, and performs live in the Missouri area with his band Hollywood Adventure. Doug has accumulated more than one-thousand career performances and has recorded on thirteen album projects, and performs and/or promotes nearly 250 shows each year on average.
Dangerous Doug Harper - www.myspace.com/dangerousdougharper
Musician and Founder of Local Ear - 24 hr. info and voicemail for the radio show, and for recorded concert update message contact: 417-684-1732
For bookings message via Facebook or leave a voicemail at 417-684-1732