Local Ear Music


Here are some other useful sites!

Other Local Ear Sites:

www.localear.wetpaint.com - www.myspace.com/localear

Dangerous Doug Harper Sites:

dangerousdoug.wetpaint.com - myspace.com/dangerousdougharper

Purple Shed Records: Purple Shed Myspace

Big Friends Jam: Shooters Music and MissOuri Jams On Myspace


Bands & Musicians that have supported Local Ear and it's endeavors:

Crazy Julie & CRS


Matthew Harper - Eric Lane Gulliford & the Doghouse Band

Marci Mitchell - Berlin Drop - Down n' Out - Dan & Lorrie Divine - Randy Akres - Tony Karnes - Zac Otero - Blitzwagon / Heads Up - Kent Street

the Joneses (Bob & Dawn) - Smith Brothers Band - Timberline Band

13 Curves - Seeking Surreal - Juniper - Narcoleptic Barking Squirls

Crunchy - Matt Gardner - Drew Bauer - Robot

..and more

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