Episode 14
What a great episode! Film maker Chris Stewart gets a Hollywood interview on the show all about the Zombie X-terminator movie! Look out it's way fun and exciting with music by... Veritas de Gloria, David Allan Coe, and show host Dangerous Doug Harper.
Local Ear "On-Air" Radio Show
Episode 14
Aired on April 6, 2009
on KESM radio 105.5 FM
El Dorado Springs Missouri
at 10:05 pm

Don't forget to get old episodes at Family Video in Nevada, Missouri for FREE!

"Zombie X-Terminators"
Chris Stewart
"The Beach" - Dangerous Doug Harper & Hollywood Adventure
"End of the Line" Veritas de Gloria
"You Never Even Called Me by My Name" - David Allan Coe
Say What Interview w/ Chris Stewart
Flush It - Inspired by: Herdliska and Sons Plumbing INC.
Literally Thinking & Book of the Week - Inspired by: Cavener's
Food For Thought - Inspired by: Cherry Street Grill
Cover Up of the Week - Inspired by Inky Capone's